Saturday 23 May 2009

The hanging baskets were bought in Thailand. There use is for gathering a particular fruit native to the country!
I think they adapt well for a small potfull of trailing Petunias.

Sweet Peppers (Romano) As an experiment half are given granulised slow release fertalizer. Whilst the others are given liquid tomatoe feed.

Bunyards Broad beans.
Cucumbers Marketmore and Swing F1.
These were planted at the same time. Swing F1 are the ones in the foreground which seem to be putting on a better growth rate.
Not shown in the photo is one I have growing in the conservatory, this particular one has produced 14 cucumbers..thus far.

Tomatoes growing at a good pace.

We have 40 plants at various stages of growth. Most coming into flower with several at the fruiting stage.

I have made myself a goal..that one sunny day I shall walk amongst the plants and harvest 100 ripe tomatoes.

Our first crop of vegetables.

Lettuce,Radish,Beetroot,and overwintered onions.

With this being my first season of growing vegetables, I was not sure, or even confident, just when or how well we would be having our first homegrown produce.

Its still only May with lots more vegetables growing so we are highly delighted.

May harvest

Beetroot ( Bolthardy )

Peas have developed pods.

First early Potatoes in the raised bed.

Creating space.

With everything growing profusely in the garden, space is becoming a premium.
To keep the continuation of lettuce I have them growing in plastic milk cartons.

Friday 8 May 2009

Potatoes. First earlies, (Duke of York)

Carrots (Early Nantes)

Peas (Kelvadon Wonder)

Runner beans (Scarlet Emperor) Grown in root trainers and planted out on the 1st of May.

Broad beans (Bunyards)

Peppers. Hard to see in the photo but, they are all in fruit.

One of a dozen cucumbers in flower. I give the flowers a gentle mist early evening.

Aubergines about to come into flower.

Around the same time as the Toms started to fruit, the peas came into flower.

An auspicious day

5th of May saw our first Tomatoe.